by Dina Danish & Jean-Baptiste Maitre
Artist Book & Exh. Catalogue MAMbo Editions 2019
a play for two pieces of paper and the sun
by Dina Danish
scripted press conference poem, 2014
Names of Artists recommended to me
an ongoing archive of artists names that have been recommended to me, 2008-present
Molloy Re-translated to French
first page of English version of Molloy re-translated to French
self-published artist book, 2014
with Post Brothers and Arianna Betti
by Dina Danish, Rumiko Hagiwara and Jean-Baptiste Maitre
editioned multiple published by Mutiple Choice 2017
photo by K. v. Gelder
published by RITE EDITION, as a tribute to Steven Leiber (1957-2012), 2013
a curatorial Project by Regine Basha
presented concurrently by Cabinet Magazine and MASS MOCA 2011
– P. Naldi, La Repubblica_Bologna 14/11/18 Scoprire i segni di Bologna nell'arte di Danish
e Maitre (review)
–P. Pacoda, Il Resto del Carlino_Bologna 14/11/18 Dalle celle medievali alle torri futuribili (review)
–Redazione, Corriere di Bologna 15/11/18 Al MAMbo Danish & Maitre e la maledizione
dell’equivoco (review)
-Claudio Cumani, Il Resto del Carlino_Bologna 29/11/18 La metamorfosi del passato della coppia
Danish-Maitre viaggia su velluto e linoleum (review)
-La Repubblica_Bologna 29/11/18 Vanno in mostra i segni artistici di Danish e Maitre (review)
-P. Naldi, La Repubblica_Bologna 05/01/19 McCurry o Courbet, Scianna e Monti addio alle grandi mostre del 2018 (review)
-Gagarin orbite culturali 15/01/19 (review)
-Arte.it 29/11/18 (review)
-Artribune 29/11/18 (review)
-Carpe Diem 29/11/18 (review)
-Controluce 29/11/18 (review)
-Prima pagina news 29/11/18 (review)
-Mille colline 29/11/18 (review)
-James magazine 29/11/18 (review)
-Gagarin orbite culturali 30/11/18 (review)
-In Bologna today 30/11/18 (review)
-Ok arte 30/11/18 (review)
-Zero 30/11/18 (review)
-Formeuniche 17/12/18 (review)
-Bologna_today 19/12/18 (review)
-Exibart 28/12/18 (review)
-M. Moll, Sportsmemorabilia met een Twist, Het Parool, May 4, 2018 (review)
-B. Alves Reloca@ons: The Idiot as a Figure of Miscommunica@on, Parse (peer reviewed journal), issue #3, 2017 (peer-reviewed essay)
-Working Geographies, Mousse Publishing, Turin, Italy, 2015, (exh. Catalogue)
-D. Danish, On Chewing Gum, 2015 (artist book)
-Father Can't You See I'm Burning, C.P. Bound, de Appel Arts Centre, ISBN 978-90-73501-80-5, 2014, (exh. Catalogue)
-With the Sound of Your Voice, The Office for CuraEng, Cura, Marrakech Biennale, 2013, (vinyl record)
-Bourgeois Leftovers: the reader, de Appel Arts Centre, 2013 (exh. Catalogue)
-Not A Dead End, Biennale Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, IN, 2013 (exh. Catalogue)
-On Portable Holes, with text by Arianna Betti, Post Brothers and Dina Danish, 2013 (self-published book)
-S. Elkamel, Egyptian artist Dina Danish exhibits humorous artwork in Amsterdam, Ahram Newspaper, Monday 22 Jul 2013 (review)
-B. Manon. “Portfolio: Dina Danish.” Kunstbeeld Magazine [Netherlands] Apr. 2011, 35th ed.: 60-65. (review)
- Celebrating 25 Years of the Barclay Simpson Award, S. Beal, D. Kasprzak, L. Rinder, H&H Imaging, 2012 (review)
- M. Agliottone, Dina Danish, “Assoloshow”, exibart 79, giugno-luglio-agosto 2012, pp. 79 (review)
- Written Associative Performances, a project by Dina Danish, curated by post brothers, cura, summer-spring 2012, pp. 108-117 (review)
- E. Vozmediano, Y Tú Que Lo Veas, Blogs, ElCultural. 14 Feb. 2012. Web. 26 Apr. 2012 (review)
- L. Muñoz-Alonso, ARCOmadrid | Art Agenda, Art Agenda. 19 Feb. 2012. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. (review)
- J.Geerlings, Tegenboschvanvreden – On Demand 2, Metropolis M » Reviews » Op De Valreep. 27 Mar. 2012. (review)
- Humor in Contemporary Art Review. Community Times Mar. 2012. Print. (review)
- M. Braat., Portfolio: Dina Danish, Kunstbeeld Magazine [Netherlands] Apr. 2011, 35th ed.: 60-65. Print. (review)
-il gaSo e sul tavolo -The Cat is On The Table, SpazioA, Pistoia, IT, 2011 (exh. Catalogue)
- P. Frey, Patrick. il gatto è sul tavolo / the cat Is on the table at SpazioA Gallery, Pistoia Mousse Magazine. 26 Dec. 2011. Web (review)
- C. Cravero, Reseau, Residenze E Restituzioni. Nella Rete Di ResÒ, Artribune. 21 June 2011 (review)
- Danish Vince Il Premio Illy Ad Artissima 18...” Flashartonline. 6 Nov. 2011. Web. (review)
The Sis, These S, Dina Danish, 2010, Rijksakademie van beeldende Kunsten (limited second edition), 2010 (MFA thesis)
-RIJKS Open Studios, Rijksakademie van beeldende Kunsten, 2010 (exh. Catalogue)
-RIJKS Open Studios, Rijksakademie van beeldende Kunsten, 2009 (exh. Catalogue)
-A Fantasy for Allan Kaprow, Kunsthalle Bern, ISBN 3-85780-152-2, 2009 (exh. Catalogue)
-The Institue for Social Research: 90 days on communal living, California College of the Arts and the Richmond Arts Centre, 2008 (exh. Catalogue)
-The Sis, These S, Dina Danish, California College of the Arts, San Francisco (CA), US, (first edition), 2008 (MFA thesis)
- C. Fitzpatrick, I’LL FIND IT IF YOU STOP TALKING, ArtSlant. 28 Dec. 2009 (review)
- M. Hamd Homage to the Least Known Famous Artist Thedailynewsegypt, 7 May 2009. Web - V. (review)
-Imus, Reconciling America: Miraculous Encounters with the Mundane, Art Practical. 12 Jan. 2008 (review)
-Instruction Book, Jessica Brier, California College of Fine Arts (limited edition), 2007 (artist book)
by Dina Danish & Jean-Baptiste Maitre
Artist Book & Exh. Catalogue MAMbo Editions 2019
a play for two pieces of paper and the sun
by Dina Danish
scripted press conference poem, 2014
Names of Artists recommended to me
an ongoing archive of artists names that have been recommended to me, 2008-present
Molloy Re-translated to French
first page of English version of Molloy re-translated to French
self-published artist book, 2014
with Post Brothers and Arianna Betti
by Dina Danish, Rumiko Hagiwara and Jean-Baptiste Maitre
editioned multiple published by Mutiple Choice 2017
photo by K. v. Gelder
published by RITE EDITION, as a tribute to Steven Leiber (1957-2012), 2013
a curatorial Project by Regine Basha
presented concurrently by Cabinet Magazine and MASS MOCA 2011
– P. Naldi, La Repubblica_Bologna 14/11/18 Scoprire i segni di Bologna nell'arte di Danish
e Maitre (review)
–P. Pacoda, Il Resto del Carlino_Bologna 14/11/18 Dalle celle medievali alle torri futuribili (review)
–Redazione, Corriere di Bologna 15/11/18 Al MAMbo Danish & Maitre e la maledizione
dell’equivoco (review)
-Claudio Cumani, Il Resto del Carlino_Bologna 29/11/18 La metamorfosi del passato della coppia
Danish-Maitre viaggia su velluto e linoleum (review)
-La Repubblica_Bologna 29/11/18 Vanno in mostra i segni artistici di Danish e Maitre (review)
-P. Naldi, La Repubblica_Bologna 05/01/19 McCurry o Courbet, Scianna e Monti addio alle grandi mostre del 2018 (review)
-Gagarin orbite culturali 15/01/19 (review)
-Arte.it 29/11/18 (review)
-Artribune 29/11/18 (review)
-Carpe Diem 29/11/18 (review)
-Controluce 29/11/18 (review)
-Prima pagina news 29/11/18 (review)
-Mille colline 29/11/18 (review)
-James magazine 29/11/18 (review)
-Gagarin orbite culturali 30/11/18 (review)
-In Bologna today 30/11/18 (review)
-Ok arte 30/11/18 (review)
-Zero 30/11/18 (review)
-Formeuniche 17/12/18 (review)
-Bologna_today 19/12/18 (review)
-Exibart 28/12/18 (review)
-M. Moll, Sportsmemorabilia met een Twist, Het Parool, May 4, 2018 (review)
-B. Alves Reloca@ons: The Idiot as a Figure of Miscommunica@on, Parse (peer reviewed journal), issue #3, 2017 (peer-reviewed essay)
-Working Geographies, Mousse Publishing, Turin, Italy, 2015, (exh. Catalogue)
-D. Danish, On Chewing Gum, 2015 (artist book)
-Father Can't You See I'm Burning, C.P. Bound, de Appel Arts Centre, ISBN 978-90-73501-80-5, 2014, (exh. Catalogue)
-With the Sound of Your Voice, The Office for CuraEng, Cura, Marrakech Biennale, 2013, (vinyl record)
-Bourgeois Leftovers: the reader, de Appel Arts Centre, 2013 (exh. Catalogue)
-Not A Dead End, Biennale Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, IN, 2013 (exh. Catalogue)
-On Portable Holes, with text by Arianna Betti, Post Brothers and Dina Danish, 2013 (self-published book)
-S. Elkamel, Egyptian artist Dina Danish exhibits humorous artwork in Amsterdam, Ahram Newspaper, Monday 22 Jul 2013 (review)
-B. Manon. “Portfolio: Dina Danish.” Kunstbeeld Magazine [Netherlands] Apr. 2011, 35th ed.: 60-65. (review)
- Celebrating 25 Years of the Barclay Simpson Award, S. Beal, D. Kasprzak, L. Rinder, H&H Imaging, 2012 (review)
- M. Agliottone, Dina Danish, “Assoloshow”, exibart 79, giugno-luglio-agosto 2012, pp. 79 (review)
- Written Associative Performances, a project by Dina Danish, curated by post brothers, cura, summer-spring 2012, pp. 108-117 (review)
- E. Vozmediano, Y Tú Que Lo Veas, Blogs, ElCultural. 14 Feb. 2012. Web. 26 Apr. 2012 (review)
- L. Muñoz-Alonso, ARCOmadrid | Art Agenda, Art Agenda. 19 Feb. 2012. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. (review)
- J.Geerlings, Tegenboschvanvreden – On Demand 2, Metropolis M » Reviews » Op De Valreep. 27 Mar. 2012. (review)
- Humor in Contemporary Art Review. Community Times Mar. 2012. Print. (review)
- M. Braat., Portfolio: Dina Danish, Kunstbeeld Magazine [Netherlands] Apr. 2011, 35th ed.: 60-65. Print. (review)
-il gaSo e sul tavolo -The Cat is On The Table, SpazioA, Pistoia, IT, 2011 (exh. Catalogue)
- P. Frey, Patrick. il gatto è sul tavolo / the cat Is on the table at SpazioA Gallery, Pistoia Mousse Magazine. 26 Dec. 2011. Web (review)
- C. Cravero, Reseau, Residenze E Restituzioni. Nella Rete Di ResÒ, Artribune. 21 June 2011 (review)
- Danish Vince Il Premio Illy Ad Artissima 18...” Flashartonline. 6 Nov. 2011. Web. (review)
The Sis, These S, Dina Danish, 2010, Rijksakademie van beeldende Kunsten (limited second edition), 2010 (MFA thesis)
-RIJKS Open Studios, Rijksakademie van beeldende Kunsten, 2010 (exh. Catalogue)
-RIJKS Open Studios, Rijksakademie van beeldende Kunsten, 2009 (exh. Catalogue)
-A Fantasy for Allan Kaprow, Kunsthalle Bern, ISBN 3-85780-152-2, 2009 (exh. Catalogue)
-The Institue for Social Research: 90 days on communal living, California College of the Arts and the Richmond Arts Centre, 2008 (exh. Catalogue)
-The Sis, These S, Dina Danish, California College of the Arts, San Francisco (CA), US, (first edition), 2008 (MFA thesis)
- C. Fitzpatrick, I’LL FIND IT IF YOU STOP TALKING, ArtSlant. 28 Dec. 2009 (review)
- M. Hamd Homage to the Least Known Famous Artist Thedailynewsegypt, 7 May 2009. Web - V. (review)
-Imus, Reconciling America: Miraculous Encounters with the Mundane, Art Practical. 12 Jan. 2008 (review)
-Instruction Book, Jessica Brier, California College of Fine Arts (limited edition), 2007 (artist book)